Wallace Reverse Raised in Harbor Mist with Dry Brush on Quartersawn Oak

Your Selections:

Harbor Mist Coastal Dry Brush on maple

Your chosen finish:

A neutral gray semi-transparent stain enhanced with a light dry-brushed accent.

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Marten on quartersawn oak

Your chosen door style:

Gold Full Overlay
  • Door features square design with mortise and tenon solid wood frame and veneer flat center panel.
  • Doors over 54" high receive a center horizontal rail.
  • Drawer front is solid wood, slab construction. Five piece drawer front modification available.
  • Hinge is fully concealed.
  • For orders in Knotty Alder, knots may be in locations that affect placement of decorative hardware.
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Your chosen material:
Quartersawn Oak

Quartersawn oak is quartered and then cut at an angle to the growth ring of the tree to expose a beautiful aspect of the grain. Color ranges from light tan and pink to medium dark red and brown. Quartersawn oak is a dense, heavy wood that is very strong and resists shock.