Wallace Reverse Raised in Frappe with Sable Dry Brush on Paint Grade

Your Selections:

Frappe Sable Dry Brush on maple

Your chosen finish:

A neutral, medium grey with warm brown undertones with the addition of our Dry Brush technique in Sable.

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Painted Magnolia

Your chosen door style:

Gold Full Overlay
  • Door features square design with mortise and tenon solid wood frame and veneer flat center panel.
  • Doors over 54" high receive a center horizontal rail.
  • Drawer front is solid wood, slab construction. Five piece drawer front modification available.
  • Hinge is fully concealed.
  • For orders in Knotty Alder, knots may be in locations that affect placement of decorative hardware.
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Your chosen material:
Paint Grade

Paint Grade is an engineered wood product made by breaking down hardwood and softwood into wood fibers and combining with resin. Pressure and heat are then used to create a smooth surface with a consistent core. Painted Paint Grade is durable and more resistant to warping, expansion and contraction than solid hardwoods. Moldings ordered in Paint Grade door styles will be constructed of maple and painted to match your order selection.