Blog: All the Shiny Things: A Seasonal Celebration
There’s no one right way to design. Sure, reasoning usually falls within the contexts of form and function – but when a vision is grandiose enough, a design’s focus can come from places unexpected.
To celebrate the season, we offer one possibility: a design driven by decorative accents. But not just your run-of-the-mill additions – instead, the decorative embellishments that deliver pop and wonder. Fantastic flourishes that can fundamentally transform a design from every day to extraordinary. The splendid, sparkling, and spectacular. All the shiny things.
From Doors…
Typically, we wouldn’t call the foundational element of a Medallion design an “accent,” but in this case we’ll make a mild exception. After all, a design featuring all metal or a kitchen full of doors with glass inserts could, well, take this concept a bit too far. But applied with care, these unique details can upgrade any design.
Medallion offers dozens of door options with features like glass, mirrors, mullions, and metal frames that can add light, texture, color, and pizzazz to whatever room you’re designing.

…to Décor
If you think our specialty doors go deep, wait ‘til you see Medallion’s lineup of hardware selections. Nearly 200 strong, our collection of knobs and pulls offers scores of options to elevate designs classic to contemporary.
To add even more glitter, your selections in lighting and plumbing fixtures, range hoods, appliances, countertops, furniture, entryways, and structural features are all in play for you to take the look to another level. And with the chance to personalize in so many ways, don’t forget to consider the opportunity of mixing different metal finishes with your hardware choices. Combining bold and complementary selections can add elegance and intrigue to elevate your space even further.

(Gold) Providence Flat Panel in Magnolia, and (Platinum) Wellington in Lakeshore
This season, make your designs shine! For ideas your homeowners will cherish, be sure to visit our decorative inserts and accessories pages, our Hardware Catalog, and of course, the Medallion Room Gallery.