Yukon in Amaretto with Ebony Glaze & Highlight on Rustic Maple

Your Selections:

Amaretto Ebony Glaze and Highlight on maple

Your chosen finish:

Medium coverage finish in a rich, chocolate brown color with gold undertones shown with an Ebony Glaze and Highlight.

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Yukon in rustic maple

Your chosen door style:

Gold Full Overlay
  • Door is constructed of solid wood top and bottom rails that frame random stave solid wood center panel.
  • Special characteristics: Doors and drawer fronts of this style will be rustic in character, featuring open knots, worm holes and natural blemishes.
  • Decorative doors are built with stile and rail contruction.
  • Knots may be in locations that affect placement of decorative hardware.
  • Decorative hardware required; click here to browse our selections.
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Your chosen material:
Rustic Maple

Maple has a smooth texture and tight, uniform grain patterns. Generally creamy white, it can vary from bright white to light pink or reddish brown. Maple will amber as it ages.